Saturday, November 3, 2007

Knitting puzzle

I have been meditating about a design I want to make and for which I ordered some gorgeous for. One little problem is that I can't figure out one detail in order to achieve what I have in mind. I have been struggling over this for days now, trying little tests/prototypes with scrap yarn, meditating some more, consulting the stitch libraries I have, but to no success.

What I want to do is so very simple, but puzzling. I bugs me to not be able to solve something so simple! (Yet complicated , I guess...)

I want to be able to find a stitch that will generate a bump on the knit side. In other words, something like "Kn P1 Kn", but the reason why this latter stitch pattern fails is that the bump is inward as opposed to outward (the inside, or Purl side displays what I am looking for).

I know that going for "Pn K1 Pn" would make my life easier, but I want a K-based pattern!

The whole goal behind the bump I want to create is to, after many rows, have a vertical line... It doesn't have to be of a specific shape. Something different than a P-looking or a K-looking stitch would actually be a bonus!

Any ideas?

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